Tracing Trails

Tracing Trails

One-lane paved roads unfurl across open meadows and over the light horizon of the rounded hill’s arc, up and up – until – down and down. Bursting out of deep dark of forest into the brilliant cacophony of light. Unpaved side-roads beckon. The trails divide and join, crisscrossing the gentle, rounded core of the continent. We feel the gradual change of nature, the evolving change of weather and the instantaneous change in the the perpetual dance of sunlight in the skies and across the land.

The work of the climb, the joy of the rolling – the rolling wheels guided by the rolling hills.

This gallery captures the joy of seeing the road stretching ahead, the quick progression, the raw gratitude for sights seen, sights ahead around the next turning of the trail: meadow, forest, creek, village, wild-flowered glen.

How is it that these elegant, endless variations on the theme never make an aesthetic mistake?

Rapssaat flowers with the Rauschberg Kirsche on the horizon.
Out of the darkness, into the misty opalescent distance.
Near Tannenhof Junction. Two roads appear to be going the same direction, but, upon exploration, go to two entirely different places. The green bike & arrow sign is the designation for the Seeradweg, a 30k designated bicycling route from Baumholder to the Bostalsee. The trail to the left, the Ostertal, soon crosses the A62 autobahn and heads into Saarland, a small German state on the French border.
Up and over!

And on…