Trail #3: Hiking Trails Southeast of Baumholder: Bärenbachpfad and Gärtel

Trails #3.1 to 3.7. Hiking Trails Southeast of Baumholder: Bärenbachpfad and Gärtel

By Dr. Mike Bowers ~

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Fields of ‘Rapssaat’ flowers announce the arrival of spring on the southwest sector of the Bärenbachphad hiking trail.
Late winter snow on the first kilometer of the Gärtel Road.

Just beyond the edge southeastern edge of Baumholder, the Gärtel area is a great ‘go-to’ when we need a quick escape to the serenity and quiet of nature! Gärtel is the name for a large tract of hilltops, woods and meadows brimming with natural beauty and outdoor learning opportunities for walkers and runners.

The 14k Bärenbachpfad (Bear Creek Trail) is the only major regional designated hiking trail in the Baumholder vicinity. (‘pfad’ means ‘trail.’) The Bärenbachpfad circumnavigates the expanse of the Gärtel area. The trail is open to mountain bicyclists, but requires real mountain bike skills and stamina for rough trails and steep slopes.

We will explore a variety of hikes/runs in this area which range for 2k to 14k in length.

Finding Gärtel

To find Gärtel, begin on the south edge of Baumholder at the intersection of the Ringstraße and Highway L-176; the highway which heads south toward Kusel. (The shop “Kik” sits on this intersection.) Take the highway uphill for about .5k and watch for a paved road on the left. A wooden sign ‘Gärtel‘ sits at the intersection.

Turn here and park in the parking lot just past the intersection. The paved one-lane road continues through pleasant woods for 1k to a second parking lot, which provides easy access to loops through a nature education center.


Type of trail: Designated hiking trail and area route options; hiking / running; mountain bikes or sturdy hybrid bikes are great for all these trails – except the very steep section between Waldhaus and Wildfrauenloch (see Trail 3.5.)

Trail name: Trail #3: Bärenbachpfad and Gärtel routes #3.1. – 3.7.

Location: 1k southeast of Baumholder, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany

Length: Unlimited length options. The area features a 14k designated hiking trail and numerous hiking/bicycling/running options/nature appreciation opportunities!

Challenge: Climbing up-hills / Rewards: Down-hills! Great workouts! the serenity of nature, verdant views!

Route-finding: Easy. The Bärenbachpfad is very well signed.

Tip: Download and print my map of the area (or open it in a new tab on your browser).

Highlights: woods, pastures, scenic views, nature conservation education center


See circled numbers on map which correspond to the descriptions of the seven suggested trails.

Please print the map (or open it in new tab). You will have a deeper understanding of the trail descriptions if you follow along on the map as you read. Use your mind’s eye to envision the terrain – excellent exercise for your brain!  ~DrMike

Printable map of Bärenbachpfad & Gärtel (PDF):  Bä

Note: There are dozens of unpaved forest roads throughout this area. The map shows the discussed roads and trails – and does not show minor forest roads unless it provides a useful option in personalizing the routes.

Trail #3.1. Bärenbachpfad – 14k Designated Hiking Trail

The Bärenbachpfad – Bear Creek Trail – is clearly marked with signs. Relax, no bears currently live in the area!

The Bärenbachpfad is very well signed and easy to navigate.

The Bärenbachpfad officially begins at the Baumholder Bad/Lake Park in the park’s parking-lot near the Netto grocery (on the Ringstraße in Baumholder). Across the parking-lot from the lake, a tall wooden gateway announces the Start of the Bärenbachpfad. The trail immediately crosses the Ringstraße and passes the edge of town, climbs the upsloping green pastures, takes in a great ‘blick’ (viewpoint) of Baumholder town, then crosses the highway and continues into the Gärtel area. At Gärtel parking-lot #1 (near the highway), the Bärenbachpfad forks into a loop trail.

This type of trail is a ‘lollipop’ trail (see the red dots outlining the trail on the map). The first section – 2k – of trail from Baumholder Bad (Lake) Park to Gärtel is a single trail, then, at the first Gärtel parking lot the trail splits and heads into the woods in two directions, which eventually meet to form a 10k loop.

Heading south on the Bärenbachpfad from Gärtel parking lot #1, the trail crosses woods and meadows for several kilometers, then the path drops from the high moors and forests down into the narrow, scenic canyon of the Bärenbach and follows the cascading creek downstream before following the Auerbach upstream and uphill to the hilltops of Gärtel.

The length of the entire Bärenbachpfad is 14 kilometers. The Bärenbachpfad trail is part of the ‘Traumschleifen Saar-Hunsrűck’ trail system in the adjoining states of Rheinland-Pfalz and Saarland. (Traumschleifen Saar-Hunsrűck means ‘picture-perfect loop hikes in the Saar-Hunsrűck region.’)

TRAIL SECTORS OF THE BÄRENBACHPFAD – detailed descriptions follow:

~ Trail #3.2. is a 2k loop hike, beginning at the edge of Baumholder, which includes some of the most scenic sections of the trail.

~ Trail #3.5. follows a steep sector of the trail downhill to the cliff-lined mossy canyon of the Bärenbach known as Wildfrauenloch.

~ Trail 3.6. is a short hike through fields and meadows to a sector the Bärenbachpfad with a fine blick (viewpoint) over the Totenalb River valley.

~ Trail 3.7. follows a short section of the Bärenbachpfad through a section of old, deep hochwald (hilltop forest).

Trail #3.2. Baum Blick Loop of the Bärenbachpfad (Hike, Run, Bike)

This short 2k loop trail – for hiking, running, or bicycling – features some of the most scenic sections of the Bärenbachpfad trail and is easily accessible from the town of Baumholder. This route has a steep hill but is fine – and fun – for bicycles.

The best place to begin this loop is at Gärtel parking lot #1. From the parking lot, the well-signed trail parallels the highway heading south, then crosses the highway (Cross carefully! High-speed traffic!), continues through woods – then suddenly – a money-shot view of Baumholder town, distant hills and valleys. The trail follows the edge of a broad meadow downhill – a blast on a bicycle! -to a paved one-lane road. Take a right on this road and follow it back to the highway. At the highway, turn left and walk along the highway for about .2k/200 yards and take the one-lane paved road on the right which heads uphill and curves to the right, eventually looping back to the Gärtel parking lot #1. (Be very careful walking along the highway – high speed traffic!)

This loop is about 5k/3 miles.

One could also begin the loop walk at the Bad Park parking-lot making the trail a ‘lollipop’ loop; this adds about 1k to the loop.

Trail #3.3. The First Kilometer of the Gärtel Road

The Gärtel road is a scenic paved one-lane road with very little traffic. This 2k out-and-back walk begins at Gärtel parking-lot #1 and follows the Gärtel road into a valley, across a small creek, and climbs to a flat area with Gärtel parking-lot #2. Turn around here and retrace your route for a 2k walk, or combine this with Trail #3.4. and continue walking/riding past the gate on the paved road to enter the Naturschutz-platz (nature conversation education area).

Friendly horses usually pastured near the Gärtel parking lot #1.

Trail #3.4. Naturschutzplatz and Waldhaus

At Gärtel parking lot #2, the paved road is gated. Walk or bicycle around the gate and continue on the paved road for 1k. You have entered the Naturschutz-platz (nature conservation education area) which features display boards detailing the flora and fauna of the local forests. All the boards are in German (perhaps take your German-speaking friend for a walk?), but the displays are worth viewing. For example, one board shows drawings of birds typical to the forest.

The ‘picknick’ gazebo at Waldhaus. Plan to stop here for lunch or a snack on the way back – after you have climbed up from the canyon!

The paved road ends at a T-intersection beside the Waldhaus (forest house), which is a nice picknick and outdoor event area. Dirt roads go to the left (Trail #3.4.a.) and the right (Trail #3.4.b.). All three roads in the area feature nature education boards along the trail. The trail to the right is recommended (Trail #2.4.b., the southernmost road in the loop). Along this section of trail, a small hűtte/hut displays the varieties of birdhouses – each tailored to their tiny residents’ housing needs. Listen for their sweet birdsong!

Follow the roads around to where they meet up with the paved road and retrace your steps to Gärtel parking lot #2.

The stretch of Gärtel Road from Gärtel parking-lot #1 to Waldhaus is ideal for bicyclists of all ages – mostly paved roads, mellow hills, deep woods, few autos. ~DrMike

Trail #3.5. From Gärtel parking lot #2 to Wildfrauenloch – out-and-back

This 5k hike leads to the most dramatic scenery on the Bärenbachpfad loop trail – Wildfrauenloch – the cliff-bound, mossy canyon of the Bärenbach.

At the Gartel parking lot #2, this cool sign marks the beginning of the 5k out-and-back hike to Wildfrauenloch. The sign illustrates the local folk legend of a ‘crazy woman’ (wildfrauen) who shared a cave with a bear. The cave can easily be found among the canyon cliffs at the end of this fine hike. Rundweg = hiking trail.

The hike begins at Gärtel parking-lot #2. Round-trip trail length from Gärtel parking-lot #2 to Wildfrauenloch is 5 kilometers/3 miles. Follow the paved road to Waldhaus – about 1k. Upon reaching the T-intersection at the Waldhaus and picknick pergola (see photo, Trail #3.4), turn right and follow an unpaved road (the beginning of Trail #3.4.b.) about 50m/50yds.

Watch for the Bärenbachpfad and Wildfrauenloch signs and the trail intersection on the left. Follow this trail downhill for a short distance to a nice blick (viewpoint) overlooking the valley below.

Follow the well-signed trail down switchbacks into the canyon of the Bärenbach. Since this section of the trail is very steep, bicycles are not recommended.

The creek tumbles over small waterfalls and cascades below mossy rugged cliffs. Wildfrauenloch is named after the local legend of a ‘hermit woman’ (wildfrauen = feral old woman) who lived in a prominent rock cave in the canyon (loch means ‘hole’ as in a narrow canyon). Legend tells of the woman being surprised by a bear who planned to hibernate in the cave. The story is that she and the bear both lived in the cave. You will see their small fissure cave on the south side of the creek?

If you wish, follow the trail and canyon downstream to where the Bärenbach joins the Auersbach (bach means ‘creek’) – the lowest elevation of the trail – where it continues upstream along the Auersbach and eventually climbs back up to the hilltops to complete the loop. Go as far as you wish, then retrace your steps up the steep slope to Waldhaus and the starting point at Gärtel parking-lot #2.

Or try a GÄRTEL BIATHLON: Starting from Gärtel parking-lot #1 or #2 (or from Baumholder) ride a bicycle to Waldhaus. Park and lock your bike, then follow the section of the Bärenbachpfad that leads downhill to Wildfrauenloch. Explore the area and enjoy a picknick at the creek-side tables. Climb back up the trail to Waldhaus; then complete the route by riding back to your starting point. (Distance to Waldhaus from Gärtel parking-lot #1: 2k; from Gärtel parking-lot #2: 1k; from Baumholder Bad Park to Waldhaus: 3-4k depending on the route; see Trail 3.2 for routes from Baumholder to Gärtel.

How a GÄRTEL TRIATHLON? Start with a thorough muscle stretch sequence – don’t hurry it – before you head out. ~DrMike

Trail #3.6. Barenbachpfad – Northern Sector Hike

This short family-friendly walk follows a paved road with almost no traffic, crossing meadows and fields to the northern section of the Bärenbachpfad and ends at a fine blick over the Totenalb Valley.

The blick overlooking the Totenalb River Valley at the end of Trail #3.6.

Note: To reach to start of this walk, first locate the road to the trailhead on the map. This country road to the trailhead is a non-descript minor paved road which intersects with the eastern side of the Baumholder Ringstraße. Although there is no street-sign, the street across the intersection is Erzweilerstraße. The road is to the left facing the business sign announcing “Auto Westrich”; look for their big lot of tour busses.

~ Detailed directions to this road are provided in the Trail Description of Trail #1.  ~

Drive the road, climbing gradually uphill past the edge of town; at about 1k the road passes a horse farm on the left. Continue until the road forks to the right and the paved road continues straight on.

Park at roadside spaces just beyond the intersection. Continue up the paved road on foot for about 1.5k; the road has two parallel paved tracks with grass in-between. The route meanders through fields and meadow. The pavement ends at a T-intersection. Gated dirt roads go to the left and the right, following the edge of a steep ridge.

Walk down the dirt road to the right for 250m/¼ mi. until the Bärenbachpfad trail drops off the road to the left (watch for the sign). Follow the trail a short distance to a dramatic blick overlooking the Totenalb River valley. This blick features one of the Germans’ delightful reclining park benches! Retrace your steps back to the trailhead or – on a whim – explore the Bärenbachpfad– in either direction – as far as you wish.

Trail 3.7. Deep Forest Interlude – A short, scenic walk from the Trail #3.6. trailhead

From the intersection where the hike (Trail #3.6. above) begins, walk 30m/ 30yds to a dirt road on the left; note the Bärenbachpfad signs. Follow this road uphill for about 10 minutes. The trail leaves the road to the left. Here the Bärenbachpfad enters an appealing deep, shady forest for a short distance. Continue on the trail if you like, then retrace your steps back to the trailhead.

A dense, young forest characterizes this hilltop section of deep ‘hochwald.’

Here’s hoping you have a fine weathery walk in Gärtel ASAP! Try to time your walk to see the glorious sunset art!

And on,

Dr. Mike

Sunset looking southwest from BaumBlissBlick on the ‘stick’ of the Bärenbachpfad ‘lolipop’ trail.

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